Shop Day For Water Well Hookup Stuff

Thursday April 8, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Some shopping

I thought about going kayaking today but the wind was up so it seemed like a good day to do some shopping.

Water well supplies

I needed the stuff to get my old well working, like a pump and pressure tank and all the other little things to  make it all work and I needed some electrical stuff for my brother.

Slow start

I didn’t feel like doing anything so sat around in the yard in the sun until I did, just after 1.

Contractor’s parking

So I drove on over to the shopping areas about a 30 minute drive from my house and drove on in to Freeman’s Hardware. I know a little trick and drive into the contractor’s parking area which is right at the back door instead of way out in the front parking area where most other people have to park. There’s also a contractor’s checkout right inside the door there so it’s all easier when you have a bunch of stuff to pack out.freemans


I had a list but still  had to keep on my toes as I needed to get stuff that would all work together to hook up the well. It’s a big store and hard to find stuff so I had to ask a sales guy more than once for help.

I think I got most of what I need, at least enough to get a good start on it.

Not all goes well

But then I went over to the electrical department to get the stuff for my brother and no go there. The selves were mostly empty because of the virus thing so we’ll just have to wait to work on his stuff.

VA card discount

I checked out for about 800 dollars worth of stuff and when I was putting it away in  my car I realized I forgot to use my veterans ten percent off card. Darn.

So I want back in and asked if there was anything I could do about that thinking it was too late, but the lady was nice and lucky for me, not too busy so she had to hand type all my stuff in a new bill twice as the first time it didn’t work. I apologized all to hell and gave her a big thank you.

If it was only a few dollars I would of just kicked myself in the butt and forgot about it but that was 80 dollars worth. Most all the hardware stores around here give vets a ten percent discount. Thank you.

Enough shopping for me

The concentration I had to do to get all the right stuff was enough shopping for me so I headed on home after that, warn out.

I was able to get the car unloaded before napping.

Grass for the chickens

I’ve been watering the grass in my driveway for the chickens to eat as they really seem to like to eat it.grass


Doris the chicken

Here’s Doris on the roost with the rest of the gang. Doris is the only bird I have that lays Easter eggs. Green/bluish eggs and she is one of my best egg layers in the winter when most chickens don’t lay much.doris


That pretty much wraps up another day, I was fortunate to get all the water well hook up stuff I got with all the virus shortages around.

So, nice day.

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One Response to Shop Day For Water Well Hookup Stuff

  1. Barb in Florida says:

    Hi Bob! Thanks for introducing us to Doris. What kind of chicken is she?
    Sometimes we get the bluish eggs from our chicken & egg guy. Pretty, aren’t they.
    Looking forward to learning about hooking up a well. Have a nice day!

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