Shopping For Fence Supplies and Working On the Chicken Grazing Pen Fence

Wednesday November 14, 2018 Guerneville CA.

Shopping for fence wire

I needed another roll of welded fence wire so off to the store I headed this morning.

I picked up the wire and some other stuff and then went  to Costco for some stuff to eat. It’s a challenge to find food that is corn less, but they do have a few items at least I think are corn less so I buy what I can.

I got back home around two and unloaded the car.

Nap and back to work

After a short break I unrolled some wire and measured and cut it to the sizes I needed.wire


I kept at it and got most of it up. Although I still need to get the gate pieces up and finish the walk gate which I should get done tomorrow.

Fence is showing progress

It’s hard to see in the picture but there’s a wire fence up on the steel posts, except for the gate areas.fence


As the day cooled down I put my tools away and went inside and called it a day.

Nice day.

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