Some Shopping, Eating, a Ride and Some Cooking

Wednesday October 9, 2013 Guerneville, CA.

I started out getting the new skylight

I was hoping my new skylight had come in, but they hadn’t notified me yet, so I called them when I got up and it was in, so that meant it would be a good day to go get it and do some shopping, so that’s what I did.

And cooked up some steak

The trip was uneventful, except I was real hungry for some reason, so when I got home I grilled enough tri tips for three people and ate most of them. That stuffed me and a nap was in order. I’ll install that skylight some other time, soon.

Greased the bulldozer too

After awhile I got tired of napping and decided to go for a ride up the hill in the forest and grease our bulldozer, so that’s what I did. Except for the grease I got on me, that was real enjoyable.

And then I did some serious cooking

I came home and checked on the pot of navy beans I had started last night and seasoned them up and had a couple of bowls of those, hummmmmmm, good. I told you I was real hungry, didn’t I? :O)

After that, I started some bread dough making it’s yeast, so, maybe bread tomorrow, then went over to my neighbors and stole some nice apples, which I made an apple struddle type  thing, which is cooking now and smelling real good.

Cook, cook, cook

I’m finding being allergic to all things made from corn, I have to make most things from scratch if I want to eat anything and it’s taking a good bit of my time. Good thing I’m retired, but just the same, it surprises me how much time I need to put in to get something good to eat.

That apple struddle thing is almost done, yummmm.

Nice day.

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