Spark Plugs For My Car and Leeks for Me

Monday March 20, 2017 Guerneville CA.

A rainy day

It was raining as predicted today as I got it going. Seemed like a good day to go to Guerneville and shop for some groceries so that’s what I did first off.

New plugs for the car

Next I found the new spark plugs I’d bought the other day for my car and rounded up the tools to install them.plugs


I checked the fluids as long as I was in there and added some oil.

That didn’t take too long, so I went back in the house and hung out waiting for a break in the light rain we were getting.

Some leeks would be good

Eventually I could see we weren’t going to get a break in the rain so I put on my rain jacket and went next store to where my brother has some leeks growing. The other day he went by with a load of them he was gong to sell and said I should eat some leeks as they were quite good, so I had to dig some up to do that.

Armstrong Valley Farm’s leaks

Here’s some of his leeks. He runs Armstrong Valley Farm and sells them at the farmer’s markets.leaks


The ground was a bit muddy from the rains. I dug up a few of them.leak2


Then took them back to my house to wash the mud off and they were looking good.leak


The rest of he day I spent inside the house as the rain just kept coming down which is ok with me.

And that was my day.

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