Thinning Peaches, Mowing Weeds and Some Other Yard Work

Friday July 17, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Yard work

Not much planned for the day. I needed to do some yard work here and there so I worked on that.

Thinning peaches

My peach trees have way too many peaches on the trees so I need to pick some off to thin them out.

The over loaded peach tree with green peaches.peaches


It seems like a waste to throw all those green peaches on the ground. Maybe I can feed some to the chickens.peachy


Weed mowing

Next I put fuel in the weed mower and mowed all the nice yellow mustard flowers and fed the plants to the chickens. I only  mowed enough to tidy up the driveway a bit. The chickens eat most of my weeds so I don’t mow them.mower


Blueberry plants

Next I got into the blueberry patch and moved some chicken fertilized dirt around a couple plants I wanted to give a boost to.patch


I then got a load of mulched woodchips for the plants.mulch


I dumped the mulch onto the base of the plants and spread it out a bit. Once all the blueberries are gone I’ll turn the chickens in here to spread things out some more. They’ll clean up the weeds too.chips


Over loaded plum trees

My plum trees are so heavy with fruit that most of them bent over and were blocking the driveway so I trimmed them so the driveway was more open. There’s too many plums for me to eat or use but the chickens will eat a lot of them.brush


Apples almost ripe

While chair hopping around the yard I noticed these apples are almost ripe so I’ll be eating them soon. Yummy.apples


Just a bunch of little projects and puttering around the yard today.

Nice day.

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