Wild Black Berry Vines, a Forest Ride and Some Electrical Work

Friday June 7, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Wild blackberry vines

They just keep growing, no matter how much I cut them back. I got the cutting tool out to do some cutting.bwerries1

The vines are starting to take over my mulberry tree.vines2

That looks better. But now my back is sore.tree3

The berries on the mulberry tree are just starting to turn red so will be black real soon.berries4

Forest ride

I went for a ride to get away from the work around the house. I checked this pool of water and was surprised to fine it all muddy. Must of been a flock of birds came in to bathe.pool5

Then I headed up to a neighbors that lives high on the hills up this road.road7

Air conditioning

There’s always a good view from up here. The haze is water vapor from the ocean and really  helps keep this place from getting to hot as it cools things down and is not humid. The highest peak there is where our favorite break area is that we use often.mountian6

I found the neighbor home but they were getting ready to go to a lake for a week or so. We still  shot the bull for a bit before I took off.

I wanted to check out another spring on our place so I rode up to here and parked because I had to walk to it.ferns8

That was because this big tree fell across the road. I was able to pick my way through it to check out the spring area.tree9

From there I headed on home for a nap.

Electrical stuff

A bit later I helped Tom with his electrical stuff. We needed to pull some  heavy wire through a conduit, so I prepped the wire to hook a rope to it to pull it through the pipe.wire10

Big fuses

We got that job done then I checked the main fuses to see what they were because we needed to order up some new ones as one of them had blown in the past and needed to be replaced.fuses11

I spent most of the rest of the day chair hopping around the yard.


We actually had something besides blue sky up there for a change as the sun headed over the mountains to the west.sunset12

Nice day.

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