Sunday May 30, 2021 Guerneville CA.
Trail work
I got the tools together and rode the quad runner up into the hills to do some work on an old trail that goes on up through a redwood forest valley.
I parked here and walked down to the trail around 1PM.
The trail goes down through these redwood trees and ferns.
I worked most of the day moving downed limbs and rocks off the trail.
Headed home
Around five I rode on out this road headed for home pretty tired out from all the work.
Rocks and sticks
I stopped here by the Christmas trees and threw some rocks and sticks off the road.
And I stopped in this spot and threw a lot of rocks off the road that I’ve been running over. They are sharp rocks and figure one of them might give me a flat tire eventually so it was nice to get them off the road.
Once home it was nap time as I was tired out.
Eventually I went out and did some more work on the old well sediment removal job for a couple hours until it was almost dark.
Of course I ate a bunch of cherries and berries.
Nice day working in the forest.
Sure looks like a challenging day. I’ll bet that could almost be a fulltime job removing the downed limbs and branches.