Monday October 18, 2021 Monte Rio CA.
Paddle day
With the rains coming in a couple days I thought I better get out for a paddle while I can.
I got my gear together and went on down to the Monte Rio boat ramp. I noticed the water was up about a foot. I’d forgotten the river’s mouth was closed at Jenner so the water gets backed up into here which makes the river like a big lake.
I’d planned to go down river so I went down this way,……but.
I paddled on by this great blue heron.
Cool breeze
But there was a cool breeze blowing up the river that was a bit cold so I stopped here in what the fishermen call the slot, only a few hundred yards down the river from the Monte Rio ramp. I sat here for an hour or so just enjoying the day and watching the river and the clouds.
Since it was cold down river I headed back up river where the wind was less paddling by this cormorant resting on the stick.
Headed up river
I headed back up the river and was going to go under the bridge a bit.
No carp
I paddled up to here about a quarter mile up from the bridge and was looking for an area that I once saw some real big carp but couldn’t locate any today.
Cloud day
It was a spectacular could day, big fluffy ones.
I went back under the bridge on the way back to the boat ramp.
And loaded up my boat and went on home for a short nap.
Cleaning out the mulch pen
I wanted to move some of the mulch out of a chicken’s mulch pen as it should be well poo-ed on by now and I wanted to put it on my avocado tree as it could use some.
I got the shovel and the wheelbarrow and started loading poo and mulch dirt too.
It got wheeled over to this spot under my avocado tree, about eight loads of it.
Grow big
And it got spread out so now the rains can rain on it and wash the good stuff through and the avocado tree and the fruit should grow big.
Next I turned over the dirt in the pen so the chickens can do their thing and feed through it for a day or two. Then I’ll add some new mulch.
I was sitting in my chair enjoying the evening just after sunset when this thing shots by and was lighting up red in the sunset.
I zoomed in for a closer look.
Nice day.