Apple Tree Pruning and Opening An Old Trail Up In the Forest

Thursday January 20, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Last tree pruned

I started out the day by pruning this apple tree, the last apple tree I have to prune.tree


That took about an hour and I got it done.pruned


Old trail work in the forest

After a break doing some chair hopping around the yard, I gassed up my chainsaw and headed up to the ridge top to open an old trail.

Part of the trail was open so I was able to ride the quad runner down to here where I parked and got to work.quad4


The old trail started up through here. I had to remove a bunch of downed brush to clear it out to get started.trail3


And then I could go on up a bit through here where I had to remove some more stuff, mostly old downed limbs on the ground.trail5


Can’t get through

Once I had most of the trail cleaned out I rode on up to here and got stopped by more brush.



Knocked the chain off

I was almost at the top of the trail where it came back onto an old road but I couldn’t get through the brush. I started the chainsaw and got most of the brush cut when the chain came off the saw and I had no tools to fix it.quad6


I got through anyway

I had to break off some of the brush to get through which I did and was able to drive onto the old road.trail8


By that time my back was screaming and I was pretty pooped out.

Old spring for a drink

So, I headed down the hill for home, stopping at the Old Indian Spring for a drink of water.spring9


And I rode on past our water tanks which are plenty full right now with all the rain water.tanks10



I stopped and moved some of this tree brush off the road. I shouldn’t have because of my back so I only removed some of it for now and headed on home to rest up.brush11


Let the chickens out

I had about an hour left of light so I let the chickens into the front yard to graze and sat with them until they went to their roost.chickens12


Peaceful chickens

Here’s the main rooster with all his hens. Things are much more peaceful since I butchered the other roosters. Quite a change, indeed.grazing13


I shut the chickens in for the night and went in the house as the day was done.

Nice day.

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