Fog Moves in at Jenner

Saturday, May 11, 2013, Jenner, CA.

I got a late start on my Jenner Kayak today

I was up to a sunny day around here, so I thought I might putter around the yard for awhile and go kayaking later in the day. I wasn’t really into doing much, so I just walked around in the yard thinking about what jobs I wanted to tackle next in the yard and what I needed to do on my van to get the things I wanted to do to it done.

I had planned to go to Jenner to yak around 1 pm, but that fell though, a nap was in order, so how about three, no, not yet, four, ok, four, I got it together and went down to Jenner. I arrived to some rather low fog sneaking into Jenner.

This is what it looked like as I crossed over to Penny Island, looking back at Jenner. A fire truck is going by, there must have been a wreck up the coast, as that is where they usually are going out here.



I decided to paddle down to the river’s mouth to see what was going on. Not much to see in the fog. I stayed there about an hour before heading back to the island.

Below is the view looking out the river’s mouth into the ocean. There were a lot of people standing on the rocks shouting a lot. I think they saw some whales. There have been quite a few spotted lately, just outside the mouth in the ocean.


Once I reached Penny island, I paddled up the backside and up the river about a quarter mile before turning and heading back to the visitors center. Not much to take pics of today in the fog.

I have noted that there are a lot of green herons that have showed up on the river lately. Maybe to eat some of the little fish that have hatched out and are along the waters edges.

Below is a picture of one of these guys eating some poor little critter. This one was taken up the river by Casini’s, a couple days ago.


Had a nice day.

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