Honey and Working On Burying the Spring Water Pipes

Thursday March 25, 2021 Guerneville CA

Working in the forest


A guy who works for my brother in the his gardens has some bee hives. The normal way of harvesting honey is hard work  so he doesn’t do it much.

So I was thinking if I could make it easier for him and buy the stuff to do it, I could get some good honey.

These are the larger frames that they extract honey from that require a lot of work to get the honey out of them.frames1


I need these types of frames

They make some little square wooden frames that go in these larger ones that are about 4×4 or 5×5 inches square that one can let the bees fill with honey and then take the little square boxes out and just eat the honey out of the little square frames with the wax so there wouldn’t be a lot of work getting honey.

So I talked it over with the guy and said I’d pay for the little frames once I found some to buy.

So tonight I’ve been hunting for the little honey frames but so far can’t find any of them to buy.

The main honey flow is about to start so we need to get some soon for this years honey. Part of the problem is I don’t know exactly what they call these small honey frames.

I’ll keep  looking and maybe call the local honey supply store.

It was a nice day and I didn’t have much planned. I did need some gas for my quad and motorcycle so I got the gas can and went to Guerneville to get some gas.

On the way home I stopped to visit John S. to shoot the bull for a bit.

Once home I filled up the quad with gas and got the tools I’d need to dig a ditch and cover up the plastic spring pipe near the spring.

Big stump

On the way up the hill I ran into this big stump that slid down the hill and onto the road blocking it.stump2


Too big for me

I wasn’t sure I could move it off the road and I couldn’t but I could turn it around a bit so I could get by it.stump3


Digging a ditch

I continued on up to the spring area where I wanted to bury this pipe which meant I had to dig about 50 feet of ditch and it was pretty rocky.pipe


I got about a third of it done before taking my first break.startditch5


After several breaks I got the ditch done so put the plastic pipe in it.ditchpipe6


Bit of a problem

I did have a bit of problem of the plastic pipe not being  long enough for the ditch I dug, so. I had to re-dig the ditch under the pipe so it would fit.

This shows the pipe that I couldn’t get in the ditch so I dug the ditch under the pipe so it would work.short7


Once I re-dug it, it fit and was ready to bury.ditch8


Works done

All buried and it was now six PM.filledin9


Roads home

I got a drink of water from the spring and then headed down the hill taking the road to the right as I wanted to go back on a different road than the one I came up the hill on which was the road on the left.road10


I putt putted down the road going through here.road11


And on down through here. There’s a spring crossing the road here which is not one I’ve tapped for the water.road12


Big redwood trees

I went by these big redwood trees which are the largest ones on the property that have never been logged.bigtrees13


Once home I was hungry  so went in the house to eat something to eat so that was pretty much my day.

Nice day.

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One Response to Honey and Working On Burying the Spring Water Pipes

  1. Patsy+Irene says:

    You’re a jack of all trades, aren’t you? Honey would be a fun endeavour!
    I’m tired after reading about your working day on the trail.

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