Lazy Day, Loading Up and Off On My Trip To Usal

Sunday June 5, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Cloudy day

It rained during the night but stopped this morning for an overcast day. that was still very


The chickens came running when I went out to feed them.chickens


The rain caused some of my trees to droop from the weight of the rain and the fruit on the trees.tree


Wild plums

Some of the trees have a heavy crop on them. This plum tree has a huge crop and is just starting to get ripe. It’s a sweet plum and I start eating it when it’s green and crunchy.plums


The chicken’s pretty much follow me around the yard as I mossy around. from chair to chair. they know I’m the feed guy and don’t want to miss anything.birds


This is my raspberry patch. The new canes are growing so fast and high they are covering up the older canes hiding most of the ripening red raspberries, making them harder to pick. Not a bad deal as there will be even more berries on the higher canes growing in the near future.patch


There’s enough ripe raspberries to eat and I did eat some. :O)raspberries


And I visited the blueberry patch and ate some of them too.blues


Another lazy day

It was another day of mostly resting my sore back. I’m discovering part of my hurts are actually in my hip. It hurts when I get up and start off but is slowly getting better.

Loading up

I also spent some time loading up the final stuff in the van for my trip.

I’ll be leaving tomorrow for a week to Usal on the Lost Coast just north of us. I likely won’t have any internet in that area so you likely will not  hear from me for a week.

See you when I get back.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Lazy Day, Loading Up and Off On My Trip To Usal

  1. Nancy K says:

    Never heard of Usal. Safe trip … take lots of pictures!!

  2. Barb in Florida says:

    Have a good time, Bob.

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