Nice Earthquake Shakes My Chair, Me, and My House

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Chairs shaking

I was sitting in my chair reading the Bayfield Bunch about 6:40PM when my chair started to shake. My whole house shook pretty good for about thirty seconds.

It goes like this. You feel a shake and then will it continue or is that it. Nope, it continued shaking, one of the better ones I’ve felt around here.

I didn’t hear anything crack or any big trees falling, so all was well. Earth quakes aren’t a big bother around here. They mostly bother urban stuff where lots of concrete is used.

I felt another one, likely an after shock about a minute or so after that and it was real minor.


It was mostly a lazy day.

I helped my neighbor remove these old windows so he could install some newer


And I did a lot of chair hopping around the yard doing mostly nothing but enjoying the day.

Citrus plant care

I did put a dose of fertilizer on my two citrus plants as they are going into their growing period right now. And then I put the sprinkler on them for a bit.citrus


Rat Report

A couple of nights ago I put the black can in to keep my chicks away from the bait. The white bait can on the right was inside the black can. They didn’t like to go into the black can to get the bait. So, last night I set it up like tis and they were into the bait right away. I think these are the three little ones of the momma rat, so I’m not so sure the plaster of Paris is going to do them in. Now I’m back to removing the bait can around 2AM each night to  keep it away from the chickens. I just put it inside the black can.three


Another rat shoot. the rats pretty well pigged out on it for a couple hours and left and then I had to put it away for the night into the black container but they didn’t go in it to get the bait after that.rat


My friend Marty is also doing some tests on his rats with a game cam with the bait so I’ll have another input on it.

I put the bait can out for them again tonight.

Nice day.

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One Response to Nice Earthquake Shakes My Chair, Me, and My House

  1. Nancy K says:

    I can’t believe they have eaten most every night and are STILL alive. I guess that’s why they are still on earth. I’m thinking quikrete. Very few earthquakes at my California place … and none worth writing home about.

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