Spending the Day In the Redwood Forest

Saturday July 24, 2021 Guerneville CA.

A ride and some trail work

I did my chicken chores first thing and then sat around for a bit until I decided to take a ride up into the forest to do some trail work and just enjoy the ride.

I rode on this trail on the way up.trail1


Beating the bogymen

I did some work at the water fall and some sitting around too. Before I knew it, it was 7:30 and I better get on home before the forest bogymen come out. The forest was already beginning to darken as I rode on down this trail.trail2


Hard on the camera

I stopped in a spot to fix something and set my camera on the quad and forgot about it until I was riding down this hill and saw it stumble down the hill in front of me kicking up some dirt.quad3


My camera does take a beating. I picked it up and dusted it off and tried it out and it worked. Good.

Lots of water

I rode on by the water tanks to check the water level which was almost full, good.

I continued on home on this road about a mile from my place.road4


Two new fans arrive early

There was a box waiting for me just inside my gate. Good, my two new plastic fans arrived early to replace the two that melted down in my recent van fire in the engine compartment.fans

Nice day.

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