Evening Kayak in the Jenner Sunset

Monday, May 20, 2013, Jenner, CA.

A Doctors appointment in the morning,  But

I got up a little earlier this morning to make my annual doctors appointment.  The but is, my doctor had called in sick, but, since my phone line has been dead, I wasn’t notified, so a wasted trip.

So as not to waste the trip, I went to Home Depot to try and find a propane gas shut off valve, but they didn’t have what I needed.  From there I stopped by at some friends house and did some adjustments on their computers for them.

Home for something to eat and a nap.

I decided to kayak Jenner this evening, so I puttered in the yard and did some more work on the van. The van got jacked up and put on jack stands ready to have the tires rotated, which I wasn’t in the mood to do today, but now it’s ready to go when I’m fresh and feel like stretching my back a bit.

I also took off the lifting handles on my new propane stove, with oven. It was too wide to fit where I have it mounted with those handles on there, so I had to unscrew and remove them, which was a fairly easy job.

Another nap and I was off to yak Jenner. I was on the water at 5:30 PM. No one else was in the water, just me. Ok with me. :O)

The sun was out with a light wind. I decided to head down to the river’s mouth first today to see what was going on down there. High tide was just starting to turn.

As I paddled past the west end of Penny Island, I spied these geese taking it easy on the island, below. Not sure what kind of geese they are?



I continued on down the river to the river’s mouth and sat in my boat in the foam, just inside the mouth for about an hour.

Below is me sitting in my kayak in the foam that washes in from the ocean.



After awhile I headed back up the river by Penny Island and watched the sun set. I thought it would be a good one with all the cloud action, but the clouds just didn’t light up as nice as I thought they would.

Oh well, it was still a good one.

See all the nice cloud action in the photo below, just before the sun went down, looking west, of course.


As the sun was going down, the wind mostly died and it got so nice I headed back down toward the mouth again, looked around a bit and then headed in, just before dark.

I was expecting more red, but below is what I got.



And the last photo just before I pulled off the water below.


I headed in and was off the water around eight thirty. The access trail at the visitor’s center where I launch my boat was looking rather shabby and broken down, so I hauled about six buckets of gravel off the shore to it, before my back said it had had enough. It looks much better, but could use about another ten buckets. I usually do this just before dark when no one is around.

Had a nice day.

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