Foggy at Jenner, Again, But Nice

Saturday, Apr. 6, 2013, Jenner, CA.

More fog at Jenner today


I don’t like to arrive at Jenner too early on weekends, as most people kayak early and are gone by about noon, so that’s what time I usually get there. I put my boat in at the visitor’s center and paddled across to Penny island. The fog started to move in just about this time.

Below, you can see the fog as it moved in around Jenner, just after I got there.



I paddled across to the south side of the river and headed up the shoreline on that side. I was feeling lazy today, so I just paddled up about a half mile to a place I call Eagle’s landing. I watched as the fog continued to come in. I didn’t stay too long up at this place today, as the fog was closing in and it looked interesting down the river toward the mouth, so I headed down that way after a short time up there.

On the way, I went past this pair of Merganser ducks. The males aren’t usually with the females most of the year, but during mating season they are with them. The male is on the right.



I paddled down just below the houses near the mouth and some of the flowers were blooming.

Below, is a picture of some of these flowers.



Below are some more of these flowers blooming by the houses along the shore.



I continued on to the river’s mouth where I sat in my boat and watched what was going on in the area.

After awhile the fog started to lift as you can see in the picture below, looking up the river from the mouth.



The river’s mouth wasn’t wide open, but it was just barely going out to the ocean as you can see  below. This is looking out toward the ocean where the river is going out past the jetty, mostly a trickle. This causes the estuary water to be a bit on the high side, as the water gets backed up a bit.



The ocean was real rough and making a lot of noise as the waves where beating against the shore line as you can see below. This is the waves hitting the jetty at the rivers mouth.



There were quite a few fat, lazy seals beached in the sand near the mouth. Below you can see a few of them.



There were also two sea lions hunting around the mouth area, close by the seals, but the seals didn’t seem to mind. Below, you can see a sea lion swimming by some of the seals at the mouth area.



The fog seemed to make me feel real tired and lazy so I didn’t stay too long at the river today and was home by about four pm.

I napped a bit, then went out and gassed the lawn mower. It started up without too much trouble, so I mowed some of the high grass in my yard, until the belt broke and I had to stop for the day, which was good, because I was pooped from the task. So, another nap was in order. :O)

Had a nice day.

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