Shopping and Prepping the Van for a My Trip to Quartzsite

Friday February 14, 2014 Guerneville CA.

I’m getting eager to be on my way

I had a physical therapy appointment today early, so I went to that, my last one. To be honest, I didn’t think the physical therapy was going to do me any good, before I started with it, but I tried to keep an open mind.

To my Therapist’s credit, I think I did learn a few things from it and now need to put some of what I  learned into practice to keep my back and legs in shape. So, kudos to my therapist for getting through my thick skull. :O)

I went shopping for food stuff for my upcoming trip to the Quartzsite area which is coming up next week and also went to the bank to get some funds for the trip.

After returning back home, I started prepping the van. Checked the oil and water and belts of the engine and greased the drive lines and checked the air pressure in all the tires and generally looked it all over.

Then I started loading most of the food I bought into the van and prepped some other stuff I need to take on the trip.

Of course all that work tired me out and I had to have a nap.

After the nap, I checked out my maps to try to figure out where I wanted to go on the way to Quartzsite. I’m sorta looking at some areas to the north of Congress, Bagdad and maybe the Date Creek area to the northeast. I was through the Date creek area last year and I liked it. But, looking at my maps, I see most of the land there is state trust land, which usually needs a permit to camp in and I don’t have one. Maybe that area doesn’t need a permit? I didn’t see any signs in that area for a required permit last year, so I still might go check it out some more.

Then I will go down to Quartzsite to do some visiting and maybe some jeeping and then I want to go into the Kofa again. I plan to revisit Palm canyon and the Horse Tank areas for sure. I’d also like to try kayaking in the Mittre lake area, as that area looks interesting too.

I tend to make somewhat of a plan, then go and play it by ear. No stress that way.

In some ways, I hate to leave this area as spring is just getting ready to pop.

The daffodils are just starting to bloom in my yard.daffadil


I still have a couple days to get everything I need into the van and I should be ready to go on Monday. Only thing is Monday is a holiday.Darn, I’m not sure I want to be on the road then?

We’ll see how I feel.

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