There Goes My Toyota and Forest Pipe Work

Thursday May 30, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Bye Bye Toyota

Barry and Gerald came by this morning with new tires for the trailer. Gerald got them on and they were ready to roll.trailer1

Last look

I watched as they pulled out with my old Toyota. It served me well through the years.toyota2

Work on the forest pipes

I needed to do a few more things with the new pipeline. I drove on up to here where there is a spring. I needed to run some new pipe down the hill to the left, so I unrolled it on the road first, then pulled it down the hill to another spring where the new pipeline starts.rig3

This is the upper spring I hooked the new pipe to, that I ran down the hill to the next spring, just below this one.spring4


I buried the new pipe a couple inches in the ground on the roadway just to give it a little protection.ditch5

Then I moved down the pipe to the next road it crossed and put a small ditch in here.pipe6

It’s ready to cover the pipe up, which I did.pipeline7

I’d parked my rig by the little pond.pond8

Then I moved the rig down to the lower spring where the new pipeline starts to go down the hill on the left.spring9

I put a tee in the line to hook the upper spring to the lower spring which connects to the pipeline that goes down the hill to the left.teed10

I ditched that one and covered it up and drove on over to a break area for a break.view11

Where the water goes

The new pipe will deliver the spring water down to this spot.lostridge12

That spot needed a small ditch for the pipe to keep it from getting run over.ditch13


This is where the water spills out of the pipe into this puddle I made. I enlarged it to this size today. This would be a nice place for a pond. Hummmm?outlet14

I headed on home after that and did some chair hopping and ate a bunch of cherries.

Nice day.

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