Van Prep and Putt zing Around the Yard

Thursday February 6, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Van prep and yard work

I did some laundry today and then did some more prep on the van. I needed to get all the bedding stuff back in there which I did. I also did a bit of cleaning up and tidying up inside it.van


After that I sat down here for awhile thinking about loading the wheelbarrow with woodchips which I finally did towards the end of the day.pile


Thorny vines

I did move these blackberry vines I’d dug up awhile back to the brush pile and only got stuck a couple times.vines


Chicken feed

The weeds were growing good in the blueberry patch so I let the chickens in to eat them up. With winter and all there’s not that many weeds in the yard like these ones so they had a good time chowing down.berrypen



With the sun out and warmer today the daffodils are doing well.daffs


The flowers made it through the hard frost we had the other night.daff



Towards evening I got the chips loaded and hauled them to the raspberry patch. One load is all I did but one is better than none.woodchips


Putt zing

I’d say I spent the day putt zing around the yard. I”d say puttering but I didn’t work that hard so putt zing it is.

Nice day putt zing around the yard and doing some chair hopping too.

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