Visiting Busy Neighbors and Some Trail Work

Sunday February 25, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Visiting neighbors

I hadn’t been up to my neighbors that live high up on a hillside in quite some time, so I got on my bike and rode on up there. i had to stop here to get through a gate and then rode on up this road.road1

This was the view from the gate.view2

And this was the view as I approached their house.grass3

Solar project

I found the neighbors home, but they were deep in a project that had to get done. They were replacing their solar batteries and their solar panels so they didn’t have much time to visit. I hung around for a bit then took off for home. I did get away with some fresh oranges off their tree.

Other neighbors

So now that I had some extra time, I thought I’d go visit my Cousin and gave them a ride around their place in my rig, but just as I arrived there, another person arrived right behind me, just as I pulled into their place. They’d planned to do some target shooting, so I left there and headed on over to the trail I was working on and did some work.

Trail work

I walked out the trail to the spot I was working on and took a break. This was the part of the trail I was widening out today.trail4

It took about an hour to widen out this part of the trail.trail5

I put a bit of leaf mulch on the trail to finish it up. That was enough to get some exercise.trail6

I went on home and chair hopped around the yard with my chickens.

Nice day.

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