Back to Quartzsite and Making Plans

Thursday February 20, 2020 Quartzsite Arizona

Back to town

Dan took off for his home just before I got up this morning. So I took my time getting it going and did some sitting around enjoying this nice weather.

I think I started back towards Quartzsite around noon, but wasn’t watching the clock.

Kofa doings

I drove on over to Marty’s place and shot the bull a bit catching them up on my doings with Dan in the Kofa.

Then Patti,  his wife turned on an internet hot spot for me and I posted some blogs, the two before this one.

Ghost town trip planning

After that Marty and I went over to his neighbors and discussed a Nevada Ghost towns trip this summer with Dennis and his wife. Sounds like it will be a good trip. We did the Continental Divide Trip with them a couple years ago.

Getting good water

After that I drove on over to the Pit Stop and filled all my empty water jugs up with water, ready for my  next excursion which I’ll be off to tomorrow Friday.

Yeah rain

There’s some rain predicted to come in this week end so I thought I’d go back out to Horse Tank in the Kofa to enjoy all the water that may be running off everywhere. I just have to get out there before the runoff starts and closes all the roads for a bit.

So I’ll be out there for a few days or so before I come back to internet access.

Then I went to the store to see if they had any of the one kind of ice cream I can eat with the corn thing I have. Tillamook chocolate. They had everything else but that, Darn. Just as well as I would have pigged out on it, ate the whole thing. :O)


So my plan is to do some visiting tomorrow and then head out to Horse Tank in the Kofa to see what the rain brings so it  might be a few days before you hear from me again.

Here’s my camp by Quartzsite



And here is the tonight’s sunset.sunset


Having a good time, weathers’ been great for this area.

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One Response to Back to Quartzsite and Making Plans

  1. DAVID EVANS says:

    Hey Bob!..Right now I have 2 kinds of Tillamook Vanilla in my fridge..And..Chocolatley Chip cookie dough…Last week I got some decadent choc chip cookies from Wally’s…Jeez!…Tasty, I didn’t eat the whole thing..That sucks you are so limited to evil pleasures we older folks can now in WGaF?…eh?
    Let me know about an old mine tour works out, maybe my snow will be gone by then…Sunday forecast:12″‘s..(Nevada)

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