Spending My Day In the Forest, Keeping Busy

Saturday December 17, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Trail work

I rode my dirt bike up to where I was working on a trail and spent a couple hours working away.

This is where I started working on the trail today.forest1


And this is where I took my breaks.trail2


Riding around the hills

After a couple hours, I walked back down the trail to where the dirt bike was parked as I was going on a dirt bike ride around the property, just to do something different today, besides just working on trails.


I was going down this road when I noticed more bigger rocks had fallen on the road since the last time I picked them up so I stopped and threw most of these rocks off the road.rocks3


Old trail

Then I rode up this old trail. Some trails you can ride the dirt bike on or a jeep and some of them like the one I’ve been working on are for feet only. This one is a nice walker, or a bike ride.trail4


It goes through lots of redwood trees with ferns and sorrel on the ground.trail5


I rode on through  here and headed up to the ridge top.trail6


Ridge top

This was the ridge top view to the east, looking over the mountain tops.sky7


And this is our little town of Guerneville, down by the river. Guerneville is about 15 miles up the river from the ocean.town8


Looking for an old road

I rode the dirt bike up to this ridge top fire break area and parked. I walked around a bit looking for an old road I saw on the map the other day. I’m sure it’s here, but I didn’t find it as I think it’s over on the side of the mountain, maybe another time.walk9


From there I continued my ride around the hills and eventually ended up home for the day.

Squirrel Report

I think the plastic sheets from my chicken feed bags have deterred the squirrels from going up my avocado tree as I haven’t seen any of them try to get up there on my game cam.

The squirrels have plenty to eat around here with all the acorns on the forest trees, so maybe they just figured out it would be easier to eat those instead of my avocados.bags10


Nice day.

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One Response to Spending My Day In the Forest, Keeping Busy

  1. Gaelyn says:

    Christmas contrast colors in your forest. Bob 1, squirrels 0.

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