Foggy Paddle, a Young Eagle and Some Seal Pups

Wednesday May 5, 2021 Jenner CA.

Paddling in the fog

Seemed like a good day to go paddling so off I went and drove on down to Jenner where the river hits the ocean.

River’s mouth is closed

It was a bit foggy as I put my boat in the water and started across the river. I was right on the edge of it so it would come and go throughout the day. The water level was high showing the river’s  mouth was closed to the ocean and backing the water up.river1


Down river looked real foggy so I headed up the river going by the island but not before stopping for a bit here. The fog is behind me, but you can see it sneaking over the hill up ahead.river3


Big bird

I paddled up to this point where I usually stop. A big bird flew out of the trees there, bigger than a turkey vulture, likely an eagle. It flew down the river and into the fog.river4


I’d been sitting there in my boat when I thought I spied the big bird coming back.bird5


Young eagle

It wanted to land back in the tree above me where I saw it leave from earlier but since I was there it passed on by. It appears to be a young bald eagle by all the little whitish patches in it’s feathers.eagle


Looking for a landing spot

After sitting in that spot I was thinking of going for a little hike up into the hills just down river form me so I paddled on down to find a place to land my boat.

I looked here but with the mouth closed and the water high the shoreline was too steep to get out of my boat without getting wet so I passed on by this spot where I normally can land.shore8


I tried this spot but there was a big log that had flouted into it so no go there either and I paddled on.log9


I could see some of the fog down river was lifting some as I paddled down around the island.

Headed for the river’s mouth

I stopped here for a bit and decided to keep on going down the river.river11


I also stopped here and sat for a bit before continuing on to the closed river’s mouth area.river12


As I left the island I crossed over the river and the fog thinned as I approached the river’s mouth area.seals13


Seal pups

These seal pups were resting on the shoreline.pups13


And a bunch of other seals were across from me as I sat here watching things.seal14


Cry baby seal

Eventually I started back and as I was paddling along here I could hear the call of a seal pup crying for it’s momma.pup15


Momma seals will leave their pups alone while they go off to feed for awhile so I would expect her back soon.

Lone otter

I was soon back in the fog and almost missed this lone otter swimming by headed down river.otter16


I was soon back on the boat ramp and loaded up my car and drove on home.

Nice day paddling on the river.

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One Response to Foggy Paddle, a Young Eagle and Some Seal Pups

  1. Patsy+Irene says:

    What great pictures of your yak. That bald eagle photo was award winning! :)

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