Wednesday August 1, 2018 Guerneville CA.
Plans changed quickly
Today I planned to go down to Monte Rio and kayak down the river and back. I got in my car and headed for the gate, but.
At the gate I ran into Charlie from Monte Rio. So I parked the car and shot the bull with Charlie for a couple hours showing him all my chicken stuff.
A computer challenge
He dropped a computer for me to untangle and went on home.
Making decisions
I couldn’t make up my mind whether to go kayaking or just stay home and enjoy the day, so I went in the house for a nap to think about it.
I decided to go yakking tomorrow and stay home today.
I puttered around the yard doing some watering and ate some plums, apples and blueberries with a few wild blackberries thrown in too. Oh and some mulberries too.
Getting the old smoker going
I’ve been wanting to get my smoker going again, so I needed to drag it out from the back yard to by the chicken coop as it’s a safer place to use it. But I need to do some work on it first.
Here’s the smoker I need to get setup and working. At least now it’s right in sight so I can figure out what I need to do to get it going again. It’s on it’s side in the pic.
Returning keys
When I left Oregon the other day I realized I’d gotten away with a set of Steve’s keys so I needed to get them back to him.
Rene who plans to go back up there in about a month was in Guerneville tonight playing pool so I drove downtown to give him the keys around 8.
Town of Guerneville
Here’s a picture of main street Guerneville looking east.
And here’s one looking west on main street.
Other than that it was a pretty lazy day and I mostly sat around enjoying the passage of time.